Tuesday, September 22, 2009


Do you have a teeshirt you've loved for years, and can't bear to give it up? Candice of Ethel Jayne Originals is ready to show you how to recycle it into a tote or bag-- and you can continue to love it!

The class will be held Thursday, 9/24/09, from 6:30-8:30 p.m. here at the Market at Serendip. Instruction fee is $35; bring a favorite old teeshirt or piece of clothing to upcycle, along with your sewing machine. Don't have a sewing machine? Let us know-- we'll try to arrange an extra one for you use.

Call The Market at Serendip to register, at 614-358-2784, or email us at marketatserendip@yahoo.com! You don't want to miss this!

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